An EPDM Roof Is a Modern Day Miracle for Low Slopes


Many houses have low-slope roofs, and some homes even have a portion of roof that is completely flat. Traditional roofing materials such as shingles pose a problem for these kind of roof surfaces because of the many seams the product naturally creates. A low-slope roof is slow to shed water, and the more time water has to sit on your shingled roof, the more time it has to seep through the seams. That’s why an EPDM roof is the perfect solution for this kind of roofing problem.


EPDM is a kind of synthetic rubber that has an enormous capacity to withstand the outside elements. It’s high flexibility allows it to adjust to extreme cold and intense heat without cracking or warping. It’s also non-toxic should it ever be exposed to fire.


The installation process is quick due to the fact that an EPDM roof comes as a sheet of rubber that needs only to be rolled into place on your roof. Its most important feature for low-slope roofs, though, is that it comes in widths from seven and a half feet all the way up to 50 feet, which almost guarantees that you won’t need a seam in the product in order to cover your entire roof. If you do need a section wider than 50 feet covered, seams can be secured with either a tape that’s designed to work with this particular rubber or a liquid adhesive.


After your new roof is installed, maintenance is as simple as periodically brushing off any collected debris, such as leaves and twigs, from the surface of the roof. As long as this basic level of care is maintained, the roof should last a minimum of 50 years.


Whether installed on the entire roof of your home or just on a portion of it, an EPDM roof is sure to be an ideal solution for your low-sloped roof.